Happy Monday - New Art of Mine Available. Plus, I Was Swiped!
Hey everyone! I tried not to post a blog on the weekend so that you can enjoy your weekend. I do update often as you can see and so I don’t want to always be in your ear. But this is the kind of thing you get when you signed up for my Substack. Thanks again and I hope you are enjoying it. If you have any suggestions for things you’d like to see here and read about, hit me via email anytime about it: phymns@yahoo.com
I wanted to pull on your coat about a new Kickstarter that just launched. Its not mine, but I did art for it! Its the new Irony Monroe Time Travel Detective book! Its got some pretty risque covers this time around. Check it:
I share this to let ya’ll know that I did art on FOUR STORIES in the book! Its always fun to play with other people’s characters when I get the chance! Here’s a peek at some art on the stories I did…
I love working with him. He just gives me the idea and I roll with whatever I want to do with it. Lots of it are movie/theme homages as you can see. So to be an ADAM-COMPLETEST, consider checking out this Kickstarter and scoring you some good reads! Some extra spicy naughtiness! Link: http://kck.st/48nlRJJ
I was looking for Family Guy related t-shirts for my kid for Xmas (he’s obsessed with Family Guy). Doing a search on ebay I found this… Its one of my designs!
So some bloke took an old Family Guy/KISS themed piece I did and put it on a shirt. I know its mine because it still has the “AT” under Peter/Gene’s foot! I messaged the guy saying its my art, but I was kinda “flattered” that he dug my design enough to swipe it for use for his T-shirt business. I wasn’t mad.. its not like I own Family Guy or anything. Now if he was making STARSLAM or PLEASANT LIFE shifts, I’d start throwing my rocks. But I don’t think shirts like that would move well. I know, because I have an online store for Tshirts and I don’t think I’ve sold one of them! Link to my online store here: https://www.teepublic.com/user/phymns
Alright. Its Monday. Let’s go forth and kick some arse! Thanks for reading! -T
Get my comics via digital download! https://www.drivethrucomics.com/browse/pub/14301/phymns
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Always feel free to email me at: phymns@yahoo.com