Giving Thanks
Hey friends! Its December! We got through the thick of it. One month left of this year of hell and then onto another one. Woot… sure… woot….
Anyway here is how my holiday week went. My oldest son flew in from Minnesota and we hung out from Sunday til Tuesday. We took a trip to the local pet store to watch the fish swim.
I had Thursday - Sunday off. On Thursday, while the world celebrated Thanksgiving, I was home alone. I couldn’t get my youngest boys until Friday, so I just stayed at home. I re-arranged the living room a bit, went through my vinyl and DVDs and picked out a bunch I no longer want. Then re-arranged the bedroom with a new shelf to showcase all my Trek novels. And I moved the Xmas tree around so its more front and center in my view…
I did get some journal writing and some inks on Pleasant Life done as well… not that my cat cooperated…
I dropped some flat colors on these pages as well.
Finally on Friday I got the first snow and made our Thanksgiving feast:
Hey ladies, I can cook. See?
Anyway, it was a relaxing weekend. The rest of Friday-Sunday I drew, wrote, cleaned house and more. Thug life.
Well… just an update on how things are for me. Hope you guys are staying sane out there. Let’s tackle December and make it our bitch!
-Luvs, T
__________________PLUG TIME!_____________________
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