Friday? More like, Fri-YAY!
Hey friends! Its the freakin’ weekend! You folks ready to tell em where to stick it? I know I am! I know EXACTLY where to stick it!! (Oh wait… that is a blog for my NSFW Patreon! Apologies. AKA link down below for that)
I have had a great week of solid productivity! I’ve penciled maybe 8 new Pleasant Life pages and I got thumbnails on five more today! I’m doing this new issue Im on all digitally. Here’s a peek at thumbnails to finished pages… (BTW, all these are fully inked now since I took this screenshot. But you can see the progress as I go…)
Going all digital certainly makes things easier! Here’s some teases. on inks…
I tried to pick non-spoiler panels… But so far things are going well! And now I’m coloring these… as well as coloring something else… I am taking on a minor project in the background of all of this. Taking old PLEASANT LIFE stuff and cleaning it up and COLORING it!! Check this.. old vs new…
Much better don’t you think?? No, I didn’t redraw it. I simply took the old page and manipulated it digitally and colored it. And you folks on my substack/website here will get to see it. A LOT of it. More on that around late December. Sorry to tease, but I got great news coming for everyone! You’ll see it here. So bare with me as I organize, get ready and I’ll keep tickling your ass with a feather on this big news as it develops.
So I’m about two weeks in on this Substack and so far, its done wonderful!! My old website got maybe 20 views a month? If that? Well… in the two weeks since I started this, my views have dwarfed that!!
And climbing!! I am using this new website, mail blogs and the new bluesky app (MUCH better than that old cesspool of shit twitter…highly recommend!) to build it all up again. Fresh and new. I’m striving to find new readers and turn them on to what we’re doing here. I got a lot of new followers and its still climbing. This is the EARLY stages of the big plan. So welcome and I thank you for rocking this journey with me. I’ll keep you entertained as much as I can. I got big plans. Stuff I’ve put off for far too long. This newfound productivity is going great! (I highly recommend if you want this same type of momentum, do what I did… delete Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and AVOID THE NEWS!!!)
Alright my friends, thanks a lot for reading. Have a great weekend and we’ll catch up soon! Much love, T
________________PLUG TIME!________________
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