First Time Blog!
Well now, whats this thing about SUBSTACK that I keep hearing about? Guess I better check it out!
Welcome friends! I’m trying to update my website from my old domain. I’ve owned “” since the early 2000s. I used to build it via HTML code and then just linked my blogger to it. Then I moved operations over to my NSFW Patreon page. But I always desired to write my blogs and updates via a modern platform. With Substack you can subscribe and keep up to date with me. Best thing of all: ITS FREE!
For those who are new to me, my name is Adam Talley. I have self published comics for over thirty years! I have been doing indie comics with such titles as PLEASANT LIFE, LATE NIGHT SHORTS, STARSLAM, ANNA POCALYPSE and many others. I have also worked in the Trading Card world working with such companies and intellectual properties as: Star Wars, Walking Dead, KISS, Bettie Page, Sherlock Holmes, Marvel, DC, Dynamite, Red Sonja, Vampirella and many others. I have travelled all over the United States to conventions selling my work directly to the fans and have made so many friends along the way. It truly has been a good life!
I’m a single, middle age father of three boys. I live in the Lansing, Michigan area and make a go of doing my art, writing and comics along with living a regular life with a regular job. While I wish I coulda built a career doing comics only, in such weird times its good to have a steady paycheck coming in. Like I said, I’m middle age and now things like health insurance and life insurance start coming into play! Is that me being responsible at this whole “Adulting” thing? Gross. But despite me having a regular day job in graphic design, I say my MAIN job is the comics.
I’ve had a pencil in my hand since I was five years old, watching “The Secret City” and then learned how to paint (somewhat) from watching “The Joy of Painting,” all on PBS. I illustrated and published my first comics when I was sixteen years old. I took a vocational education class in high school in graphic design, learning how to operate the camera room, strip negatives, burn plates and run the offset press. All of these things gave me the hands on for how to make comics on my own! I since went to print on demand for my comics over the years. Then I went to Central Michigan University, where I graduated in 2004 with a degree in art (2 dimensional) and an art history minor (Ancient Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, Etc). I do not go through a distributor, I just sell on my own. That way I can put my own personal touch to every thing I sell. From autographed copies to sketches/original art tossed into the orders I get. I’ve used things like KICKSTARTER to launch my various projects.
The main comic title I do is called PLEASANT LIFE. Its about Nerds and their relationships. Loosely based around events and people from my own life. I originally published the book from 2002-2008 which included four large graphic novels, now collected into one 500 page manga size volume. In 2023, I brought back the series and now do it as single issues. I have the first three out now and am in the process of making the next three, which will be out next year. This is a mature read but still safe for work (SFW).
Which leads me to my NSFW comics…
The main title I do is called STARSLAM. It is a sex positive, superhero erotica story. I currently have four graphic novels out with the characters and am in the process of making two more books to finish off the series. And for the last seven years, I have run a NSFW comics patreon page, where I did short erotica stories there (Then collected those stories in a GN series called LATE NIGHT SHORTS) and now am doing a long form comic called CONFESSIONS there. Each month a new part of the story drops, along with NSFW pinups as well as my podcast and blogs that I write.
As far as my personal life, I am a massive Star Trek fan! Along with my encyclopedic knowledge of the original series, I enjoy them all and celebrate my fandom with my vast collection of comics, books, toys, autographs and more! I also am way into music (Rock, prog rock, 80s pop, jazz, metal) and have been to several concerts over the years. I’ve just about seen every band that I love. My top favorite musicians are bands/people like: The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Miles Davis, Tom Waits, The Ramones, Type O Negative, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice In Chains, Nine Inch Nails, King Diamond, Bob Dylan, U2… oh so many more! I’m a big sci-fi fan and have a decent size Harlan Ellison book/ephemera collection as well.
So I guess that is a pretty good introduction to me and my world. My intention is to put this as my main link to, my website. So when people go there, they are directed to here. I blog often, so I would like to continue that tradition here. If you want to keep up with me and my world, you can subscribe to my Substack here and get my writings/updates sent directly to your inbox when I do! I still blog at my Patreon, but that is my NSFW content. So if you want ALL my stuff, subscribe here for free and then do the Patreon too so you can get all my stuff! (Links below)
It is my intention to use this new platform to gather more interest in me and my work and create a positive environment for people to come and interact with. With so much darkness in the world, I try to be a light for people as I can. Join me! I invite you to take on the journey of life with me and hopefully I can keep you entertained along the way.
Thanks for reading my friends! We’ll talk again soon!
Links: Buy my books via DRIVETHRUCOMICS:
NSFW Patreon Page: