BLOG: Transformers!
Hey friends! Just a quick note about a Kickstarter that will be ending in a couple days. No, its not a campaign I am running, but its one I was involved in! That being the 40th Anniversary Hasbro/Dynamite Comics Kickstarter for a trading card set. Link here:
We were asked to do 4 characters (2 good guys, 2 bad guys) and repeat it but make it slightly different backgrounds. Here is a look at some of the cards I got to do for the set…
Of course, they are signed… (That makes them worth $$$!) Heh….
I am an 80s kid, but admittedly, I wasn’t into Transformers. I was a He-Man, TMNT, Trek, Wars, Ghostbusters kid. But it was an honor to be asked to do the set. In total, I did 4 different characters, and if you are lucky, if you get the card box you MIGHT pull one of my cards!
When we are allowed to, I can start selling my artist proof cards for the set! These are the same card stock, the same thing… only DIRECTLY from the artist, namely me! Here’s an early look at some of the inks. Will be colored soon…
And when I color them, I will be doing the grid background that was on the toyline, like this:
I don’t think we are allowed to sell the cards until about January of next year, but keep it in mind for next year if you want a card directly from me! I will put them up on the ebay for sale.
In fact, I got a lot of blank cards that I can make up and sell. Some from STAR WARS, RED SONJA, VAMPIRELLA, BETTIE PAGE, PUPPET MASTER and now TRANSFORMERS. Thats something I will work on over the Xmas break and then blow them out next year. Cause they are just sitting here… along with some blank comic covers that I will do up and sell to get rid of. So expect some Adam goodness next year if you are into that sort of thing. But for now, if you are into the Transformers, check out the Kickstarter and get yourself the set! Expires in a couple days, so hurry! This campaign is… “More than meets the eye..” Ugh, just grossed myself out there. They pay me to say that promo stuff.*
I hopefully will someday be asked to do an Asylum video’s knockoff “TRANSMORPHERS” set. Or the GO BOTS. The “Kmart** Transformers.”
Now if I can just get on a REAL GHOSTBUSTERS or MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE card set, I’d get an actual erection.***
Thanks for reading! -T
*Not really. That’s just me being clever. Bad attempt. Stick to the art, boy. You’re not a good salesman.
**You see kids, Kmart was the “Walmart” of the 70s-80s. The last Kmart closed officially this last week. RIP. and RIP Blue Light Specials. Pour a 40 out for Kmart.
***Gross. Bet you can’t get that out of your head now. Yer welcome, Planet Earth!
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