BLOG: Post Christmas Blues
HO HO HO my hoes! (Sorry) I mean… Merry Chrismahannakwanzafestivus! I hope your holiday went great. Mine was pretty decent. First of all, I didn’t have to be at the office at all, with two actual days off! After getting out of work on a long day Monday, I came home and set up everything. I sat and watched the glow of the Christmas lights, always necessary to take that in sometimes every holiday.
Then I got my youngest boys on Christmas Eve. I watched em open their presents:
Scott of course got lots of Family Guy related things like shirts, rare dvds and toys and a new portable DVD player since his old one broke. James is on a crazy kick of collecting colonges, plus he wanted some classic games for the Nintendo system I gave him earlier in the year. Plus a couple rare books and other misc stuff for both.
Since I was solo this year, Santa had to buy his own presents. So I bought some from ebay and amazon, wrapped them up and put em under the tree so I could open them up with the boys. Here’s what Santa (me)got me:
Both are Trek MAKING OF books… new and vintage. Plus I got these two beauties:
I got yet another model kit that I gotta make time to put together. But the big get was the TNG Galoob shuttlecraft from 1987. SEALED, new. Box was a bit dented but I don’t care. I now have the ENTIRE TNG Galoob 1987 toy line! Check it:

Its a toy I always wanted as a kid and now I have it… I RULE! And thus ends the eternal search to complete that journey of my collection. The search for 1987 Trek has ended. And I got a good deal on all of it too, which is the best part!
The only other thing I got outside of those things was a nice gift card from my pals Jacob and Kelly for the local CD/Record Shop! Thanks guys!! Much appreciated.
The kitties enjoyed the holiday as well and love it when I am home…
Christmas Day the boys left early to go have Christmas with their mother. I texted with my oldest and he enjoyed his presents. I got him a few things plus did two new paintings for him. He loves all things Legend of Zelda, so I painted these two things for him…
One is Link catching a fish from LINKS AWAKENING (GBA) and the other is the Gannon GAME OVER scene from Zelda 2 (NES). I called my dad and we chatted a bit. I reached out to a few people throughout the day but mostly I kept to myself. I cleaned the house, putting away all the holiday decor, vaccuming and then I watched two movies: AMADEUS and PLEASE STAND BY. Both DVDs I own and haven’t sat down to watch. I saw AMADEUS when I was really young and kept meaning to revisit it over the years. And PLEASE STAND BY deals with Autism and Star Trek… both subjects I know about pretty well. After that I colored some pages on comics and wrote a bit. Passing out really late. Thug life.
And so ends the 2024 Holiday season. Although next week is New Years. I have no big plans at all. I had thought about going out to a couple potential local events and be around people for the countdown… but it wouldn’t be my scene. I’d want to drink, but I could not because I would have to drive a far distance to get home. I’d probably be the oldest person there among a bunch of young, loud kids who I couldn’t connect with. Plus everyone will be kissing someone at midnight. Being single, (most likely forevermore) I would not be. So I suppose I will ring in the new year home alone. But probably not watching Home Alone.. that would add to my sorrows I would think.
I’ll be busy this week working more overtime at the day job and then recording my big year end podcast… where I will reveal my big plans for 2025. I will announce it here as well, but let’s just say that you’ll be glad you signed up for this substack. I’m about to make it rain positivity and creativity at you in the new year. Here and PATREON as well (link below).
So watch out world. This old guy is gonna make it happen. All will be revealed soon. I hope you all had a great holiday season. Onward and upward! -Luvs, T
__________________PLUG TIME!_____________________
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