BLOG: Last week at 46...
Morning my friends! I thought I’d reach out on this glorious Sunday. Don’t worry, new PLEASANT LIFE comic will drop tomorrow (Monday) as always. Bur for now, let’s chat about other stuff.
My birthday is this coming Friday. I’ve been back and forth on what to get myself, or IF I should. I had a nice surplus saved and I could get myself something really nice. I was on the fence until my eyes wandered to good ol’ Facebook Marketplace. Where a bloke (Who actually was friends with people I know!) had a bunch of HEAVY METAL MAGAZINES from 1979-1980 (Complete run) and a handful from 1981, 1978. He couldn’t move them in a previous posting so he knocked some cash off. I went for it.
I already got them bagged and boarded. With that and a few sci fi books I got on ebay, I was pretty well satisfied. But I got word that we got a quarterly bonus at the day job, which means more to bills and savings. But also even EXTRA scratch. So I decided to pull the trigger on getting that Klingon K't'inga model kit. Good ol’ CultTVMan website had ones with damaged boxes on a discount price. So I scored it. Its on its way, but here’s a look at the box…
There are several walkthrough videos on how to paint and light this baby and I’m gonna try to do some lighting on it. I am even considering finally getting an airbrush to PROPERLY paint all my kits. Anything to keep my eyes off doom scrolling, ya know? We’ll see.
This last week I have been inking/coloring the hell out of STARSLAM pages. I am really putting a lot of detail in the pages as well. Here’s a peek at some various panels and things, showing how much I am doing…
I am about 59 pages in, with some holes I need to fill. So I am cruising right along! Once I get a nice few months padding, I’ll go back to Pleasant Life and finish up some stuff there. And then back to Starslam until its completed and then back to Plife again. Back and forth, my two babies! Although this last week I did do a piece for fun. A nice James T Kirk…
Not sure what I will do with it. A new print? We’ll see…
Alright friends. I got new PLEASANT LIFE comics tomorrow plus I have the day off from work. Guess what I’ll be doing? (Besides holing up in my goon cave) I’ll be drawing, natch. Its what I do!
__________________PLUG TIME!_____________________
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