BLOG: Holiday Week!
Hey friends! So begins another week. But this is a HOLIDAY week, so we got things to look forward to. Mostly, days off from work (At least I hope you do). But this weekend is Turkey day! Well, most will be celebrating on Thursday. I won’t have my younglings until Friday, so we will celebrate then. But I already got my turkey and potatoes at home. I just need to go get some asparagus. Love me some of that green. I want my pee to smell. (Gross right? Jeez, you bother to eat healthy for once and that’s how nature treats you.) My oldest son has flown in from Minnesota and is hanging with me here for the next couple days. He will go visit the rest of his Michigan family late tomorrow and then fly back home. But its always great to have him here!
I got my tree up this weekend:
Of course, full frontal nerdity is representing…
(You know, his dudeness… or duder… or el duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing…) I got my tree over by my 1982 movie poster wall… featuring STAR TREK II THE WRATH OF KHAN and MEGAFORCE! Both essential viewing, IMO. I don’t go all out on my decorating like in the past. Just a few things here and there. Simple enough I suppose.
I couldn’t resist getting myself an early Xmas present:
I never played Dragon Quest 3 on NES back in the day. I’ve played 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and now 11. Still trying to beat that. But I’m about 75% through the main part of the story. I won’t 100% it. I don’t have the time or patience for that. Video games aren’t the highest priority for me, but I play them when I can. And since they are remastering the Dragon Quest early games and making them 3D modern (Parts 1-2 are coming out next year!) I figured I’d jump in. But I will not open this until I beat Dragon Quest 11. So I will try to spend some time on it this week. I got Tuesday off from the day job and Thursday I have off alone before the kids come for the weekend. So maybe I’ll put some hours in on that and avoid the dark solitary refinement of my lonely apartment as everyone and their families celebrate around me. (Jeez… that got dark!)
I’m kidding of course. I actually enjoy my own company. I am quite comfortable being single as of late. I just got too much going on. Too much to get through to ask someone else to be in my life. I gotta get my health in order and finances taken care of too. (I just started overtime at the day job this week and that should last until March, my busy season) Plus I work second shift. I will never be free to go out and meet anyone or take anyone out on a date. Weekends are booked with the kids, so I just don’t have the time. Getting my kids out the door is the main priority. Then finishing my creative pursuits. I got a lot of pages to draw and write. Its hard to ask another person to share me like that. Perhaps someday I shall be on the market again, but for now, I’m fine enough in my nerdy goon cave. This Christmas will be weird though as I am celebrating with just the kids. I won’t be getting many presents then. But that is okay. I have enough shit. And… I got myself something that I intend to not open until Christmas. It should arrive this week. I will not open the box. Just wrap it and act surprised come Christmas. It will be worth the wait. Something I’ve wanted since I was nine years old. Something that finally completes a collection of mine and I never have to search for it again. Got a GREAT deal on it too. So there is that. Thanks Santa Adam. :) So I’ve wanted to own it for over thirty-seven years (in a row?? *Clerks reference) and whats one more month to wait? It will be a nice memory for me. A goddamn holiday miracle! Whoop Whoop! (Sprays Faygo and whatever else those Juggalos do. Being a Michigan boy I should know.)
This last weekend I got a couple more PLEASANT LIFE pages done. Can’t show em cause big spoilers. But things are progressing. Feels good to almost have another issue in the can! I cannot wait to start issue #7. Gonna be a lot of fun. At least the work is exciting when everything else isn’t.
Alright my friends. Thanks for reading. I hope you all have a great week. Eat hearty and be merry. Gobble Gobble it up!
Luvs, T
__________________PLUG TIME!_____________________
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