BLOG: Get My Stuff!!
Welcome back friends!
I hope you’re digging this! Seems like I am writing a lot in these blogs! Getting your money’s worth! (well, its free! So…)
Got a plug for ya. I’m still in the process of selling off a lot of my personal collection and now I have added some sketch cards that I have done to the mix! So if you want an official Adam Talley sketch card, check it out… includes one of my rare STAR WARS ones! I don’t have many of those left that I am willing to part with, so this is your best shot to get it from me! My ebay store is here: - And always check back because I’m selling off a lot of books, music, movies, games, etc over the next few months… until its all gone! Well, what I am willing to part with anyway.
So I found out that the Nacelle Company (they do docs like THE TOYS THAT MADE US and A TOY STORE NEAR YOU) have the Trek toy license! And they are gonna start putting out DEEP CUT Trek toys! Including a Captain Jelico (Ronny Cox!!), Peter Preston and a few others. They will be 6-7” figures similar to the BLACK SERIES STAR WARS figures. Nice sculpts too! They are doing characters that either haven’t been released as figures or are rarely done. First new ones drop early 2025. Guess I better save my pennies!
Things are going well here. Just penciled three new pages for PLEASANT LIFE and am working on a big crossover thingie for next year with some pals of mine. Plus a couple other secret things. And my new Transformers cards should arrive by Saturday and I gotta turn those around damn quick. Gonna be busy! (Never a bad thing)
Thanks for reading!
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