Morning friends! Barring any unforeseen occurrences, this is probably my last post for the year of 2024! A year full of ups and downs but mostly hope for the future. Even despite whats going on in the news. (Which I don’t know about cause I quit reading it in early November. Its better for me that way)
I’ve been busy working on pages for STARSLAM and PLEASANT LIFE, trying to get a nice nest egg of pages in the can to roll out throughout the year. I’m more behind on STARSLAM than I am on PLEASANT LIFE, so that’s been at the forefront the last few days. Last night I drew a money shot splash page. I thought I’d share it with you… (Don’t worry, its safe for work!)
The adventures of STARSLAM will continue on my Patreon early next year! More on that later on.
2024 wasn’t bad overall. Considering in 2023, where I survived a breakup, almost being killed in a car accident, bad health diagnosis and other such woes. 2024 was a transitional year. Getting through some shit. Coming out the other end with a “what does it all mean” type of vibe. I’m learning how to truly move on from things that have held me back for so long. I spent a lot of the year getting rid of a lot of my stuff. I just found that I got too much and I don’t need it to fulfill me anymore. Not that I will stop collecting! I still do anything TREK related or comics and nice books to add to the ever growing pile next to my bed. I also found ways to forgive people and myself for things I’ve held onto for so long. Finding inner peace is the key. Its a daily struggle for sure, but I’m up for it.
On the job front, things are looking good. I’m pretty financially stable at the moment, which feels great. I’ve taken a lot of the money earned from selling off the collection and applied it to bills. I’ve left the house less and spent less. I got a nice savings now and I’m finally learning how to do this whole adulting thing! As far as art stuff, I feel free to turn down freelance or commission stuff that I am not interested in. I get to pick and choose more. Cause I’m more focused on my happiness than I am in the survival mode. Its great to know I don’t have to whore myself out as much. My holes are getting tired!
Looking ahead to 2025, I have lots of goals/plans/schemes. I certainly want to travel more. I was considering getting a table at Motor City Comic Con again, but the cost is too high now compared to what it was when I was more of a road dog out there slinging my hash and making cash. Snappin necks and cashin’ checks. I am confirmed to do CAP CITY CON here in Lansing again in July though. I might do a small press show somewhere too, but thats about it. I will just go to Motor City as a fan to catch up with old friends and maybe do some long box digging to fill the holes. Plus I need some more nerdy bumper stickers for the “White Whale” (what I call my GMC Denali that replaced my precious wrecked Equinox, AKA “Pony Boy”). I am also planning a nice trip to hang out in Chicago for a few days. See the HIGH FIDELITY locations again (My favorite movie) and do some shopping, hit the museums and maybe take in a Cubs game. Who knows!? I just want things to look forward to. Things to save up for. Find ways to be happy on solo trips, etc.
One major goal of mine is to get my health in order. After my diabetes diagnosis, I went a bit south. My numbers are good but I’ve gained weight. I’ve been dodging my doctor just cause of my shame in that. In February I’ll have to face the music on that. Can’t keep pushing appointments off too long. I'm gonna run out of Metformin! The nerve damage is a factor as well. I’m navigating that. One other thing I haven’t talked about is my looks. I’m not much into vanity, nor do I have a style. But something has happened that I didn’t expect.
I’ve grown bald.
It SUCKS. I hate it. I’m ashamed of it. I don’t know why its happened, but it has. For years I had thinning hair in the front, but I had enough remains of the once great society of hair to make it acceptible. But for some reason in the last year, the perimiter line has receeded further back. And I hate it.
(Honestly, its took me a lot to consider posting that picture here, but its time to be real and open about it)
I’m not sure why I got the baldness gene, cause it doesn’t really run in my family. But I got it. I know, its common and I certainly shouldn’t feel shame, but I do. I’ve never been a Rudolph Valentino, but one thing girls always consistently said to me was that they loved my hair. Now, I don’t have that arrow in my bag. Not sure what I got looks-wise now. Not that it matters much, I guess. I got many other factors that are far more important to get in line than my hair line. But I’m struggling to figure out what this means for me going forward. I’m now consistently a “hat guy.” I got my trusty old grey newspaper boy hat and I started recently wearing long stocking caps too. I might even get some trucker hats too cause why not. Anything to keep the shine off the front from blinding people who I pass by. (Whats on a trucker hat nowadays? I could get one that just says something stupid like “FART” or has a spongie pair of tits on them… is that how it goes now? OH! Or maybe the double beer hat with tubes going to the mouth and it says “Beer Bimbo” on it? Is that cool?)
I didn’t mind going grey. I had the Reed Richards side grey going for a few years now. But this baldness thing… ugh. I hate it. So thats gonna be a test for me. Coming to terms with that. But as Indiana Jones said, “Its not the age, but the mileage!” I’ll be faced with the challenge of coming to terms with it. Change happens. Accept it. At least I’m still breathing. Could be worse.
2025 is gonna be crazy but I’m hoping to create as much light in this life as I can. Giving myself personal goals to achieve as well as professional. Also fun things to do and distract me from the evils of the world. We’re all gonna be in it. We’re all gonna be struggling. But we’re in this together. I got your back. Stick with me here and I’ll keep you entertained and distracted. Here and the Patreon. Stick with me as I turn the shit of the world into art and keep reflecting the good things. Grow, Grow, Grow. That’s what we are gonna do.
In January I will turn 47. I’m not dead yet. I’m hoping now for the first time, I’m finally awake and alive. Join me!
—Much love. Be safe and sane during the new year!
__________________PLUG TIME!_____________________
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Brother, I’m glad things are going okay. Aging sucks but I’ve saved a seat at the 47 table for you. I’ll be there until August. On a related note, THANK YOU. I received a ton of new subscribers because of your recommendation. I wish you continued success. Happy New Year.