Hey friends! I’ve had a solid week of productivity on the new PLEASANT LIFE issue. Here’s a peek:
Issue #6 is coming together quite nicely! And I wrote out Issue 7, which will be a lot of fun to draw! It involves a D&D game, so I will do a fantasy style on some of the pages. Gonna be great to do!
I finished a STARSLAM pinup for the fun of it:
My buddy Tim Fischer surprised me with a pinup of her as well. Check it out! Ain’t it cool?
I have been trying to take some time off of drawing so much in the last few days though. Not that I need a break or am burned out at all, just wanted to incorporate other things as I go. I started trying to finally finish DRAGON QUEST 11. I want to get the remaster of DRAGON QUEST 3, but I refuse to start it until 11 is done. I am at level 36 right now and I need to grind til about 40 or so and then move on. I am about 65-75% done with the basic game. Then we’ll see. If I fast track this, I can finish and start DRAGON QUEST 3 and have it rolling in time for the remasters of DRAGON QUEST 1-2 comes out next year. And plus there is GTA 6 coming next year. You know everyone is going to want that!
As far as “new” movies go, I recently watched that Apple+ Doc on THE BEACH BOYS. Pretty damn good. And now I hear they are doing one on FLEETWOOD MAC! Which is perfect as I have been on a huge Fleetwood Mac/Lindsey Buckingham kick lately. Can’t wait til its done! Last night I watched a movie that somehow I had missed over the years. It was DIRTY WORK, starring Artie Lange, Norm McDonald, Chris Farley and many other folks that pop up. It was okay. Some funny parts. But some pretty big asks. But its a throwaway comedy from the 90s, I wasn’t expecting the next Antonioni movie. I still got a stack of DVDs of things I own and haven’t watched. I will start hitting those up over the holidays and also do my regular MST3K marathon next week during turkey week. My oldest son is flying in from Minnesota so I am looking forward to it. Plus I only have to work two days next week! Woot!!
At a recent CD show I got a new Zappa CD: “Weasles Ripped My Flesh.” I gave it a listen and really fell in love with it. Its basically trippy avant-garde free form jazz. Its from live performances of the Mothers of Invention. Couple this with “Burned Weenie Sandwich” and you got a couple nice CDs from the first Mother’s era of rare tracks and snippets. Really good shit! I recommend if you are into that sort of thing.
As a hardcore Trek fan, I was surprised this week with a very nice video from OTOY featuring CGI versions of Captain Kirk and more… perfect for the (gulp) 30th Anniversary of STAR TREK GENERATIONS. It gives a much better ending to some characters than what we got originally. Its very 2001: A Space Odyssey. And what they can do with CGI now is unreal. Check out this masterpiece here (And get the kleenex):
Alright folks, that’s whats new in my world. I hope you are staying sane out there. Hit me anytime if you need someone to talk to in this crazy world. My door is always open!
Much love, T
__________________PLUG TIME!_____________________
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