BLOG: Christmas Week!
Hello my friends! This is the week! Santa is coming and gonna make it happen out there. Are you ready?? I am!
Santa (ahem) got himself two presents to open with the boys on Xmas. I wonder what I got myself??
No big plans beyond just cooking Christmas dinner on the eve with two of my boys, zoom with the third who lives in Minnesota and then they go to their mothers on Christmas Day. I’ll be rockin’ the holiday alone. So it goes.
Besides, I got art work to do. I gotta turn around a couple commissions right quick and I am hip deep into some new pages for something special. Here’s a peek at one:
BIG things coming! All shall be revealed soon. Let’s just say you’re going to be glad you got in early on following my substack here. I intend to distract and entertain everyone during the rough times ahead. Its my job and honor to do so! More on that later…
For the NSFW Patreon, CONFESSIONS, the long form erotica comic, is wrapping up very soon. This week, my Patrons there are getting a bonus NSFW smut comic… featuring my girl, Bettie Page! Here’s a censored peek at a page:
I hope I made the great Dave Stevens proud!
I spent most of the weekend getting grocieries, doing art and relaxing as I could. I took the time to re-watch Picard season 3… which is the best ending for Trek anyone could ever have hoped for. No complaints from me! That show started off horrible but man they stuck the landing. Thank you, Terry Matalas! Here’s hoping that the Trek show we all REALLY want (Star Trek: Legacy) gets greenlit. Probably not, but in my head cannon, its great!
Been doing a bit of rearranging, pulling my Trek comics out and putting them in shelf displays instead of a long comic box. I intend to re-read the ones I have checked out and read the ones I have forgotten. Anything to stay home and warm during the cold winter. Maybe shed the hibernation extra layers of fat, if I am lucky. Here’s hoping.
Today, as I write this, its Dec 22nd. My mother died 24 years ago today. I miss her everyday. Spending time with Star Trek, something she introduced to me and helped me stay a fan of, was the best way I could have spent the day. Hug your loved ones. Life is short. Nothing is ever guaranteed. It can be taken away from you at any time. So live in joy and peace as you can.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great holiday week. Eat, be merry and enjoy it while you can. Keep the wicked world out of your circle just for a day or two. Make someone smile around you. Its the best we can do.
Thanks for reading! Merry Xmas/Festivus/Whateverthehellyoudo.