BLOG: As the World Drifts.
Good morning my friends! Happy Friday. I keep meaning to write more blogs here, especially now that the PLEASANT LIFE comic has launched here. You’ll get new pages/chapters of it every Monday morning. Plus signing up means you get that and my blogs like this one in your inbox. FOR FREE. Dig it. My intention is to be your distraction from all the evils of the world… of which there will be plenty coming up. We’ll weather the storms together.
Work is progressing on new PLEASANT LIFE stuff and STARSLAM comics for the NSFW Patreon (link for that below). Here’s a newer page from PLEASANT LIFE that features a place from my old hometown…
I’ve been stuck in the office all week at the day job, but I am hoping to get some solid productivity going during the weekend and into next week. I am also planning on taking a Friday off upcoming to just get rolling on some projects I got going here. Not just my comics and other art stuff, but model kits! I got a bunch and I’ve always been shit at putting them together. I’ve always wanted to learn how to airbrush and do lighting. Now with LED lights, rigging up a nice model kit with it seems much easier. I know nothing about electric work, but thank the lords of Khobol for Youtube, eh? Some amazing model makers there. My first task is to get some of these Trek ones done… Of course!
To relax, I am busy working my way through some DVDs I have here in the house and haven’t watched yet. For example, I’m years behind on South Park. This last week while drawing I worked through season 12-14. I got up till season 20, so I am finally rolling on it. And rolling on the floor with laughter.
I’d love to get more reading done this year. Harlan Ellison has been on my mind lately, now that the 8th volume of his On the Road CDs is out. Also with the fires in LA, I had fears that his home would be lost in the fire. Its a place I must visit someday when it opens as a museum. So far, it looks like its gonna be okay as the fires are around it in the Hollywood Hills. But shit has been crazy over there. My heart just aches for everyone affected by this. I hope it ends soon and rebuilding can begin.
When thinking about Harlan, I cannot help but think of my old pal Mark, who passed away over a year ago now. His Sci-Fi/book collection was insane. And he had a couple Adam Talley originals in it:
When he passed, I took the opportunity of getting some of his collection and set up my own mini version of what he had. Its not even 1.100th of what he had, but I do have some books and typed things from Harlan to him in my collection. The “Littler Ellison Wonderland.”
For my upcoming birthday, I decided to comb ebay and get some more Sci-fi/speculative fiction reads from the greats. People like A.E. Van Vogt and Kate Wilhelm. They are ordered and on their way. I’ll think up what else to get thats in my budget. There is one Ellison book I really want, but the cheapest Ive ever seen it go for is about $275! Its a WONDERFUL huge coffee table book and it must be mine! Most I’ve ever spent on a book is about $160… and that was for a large format art book. $275 would show my commitment to the man in a crazy way. It will happen, but I’d like to continue my paying off bills as I am doing now. I’ve been a good boi taking everything extra and putting it toward bills and savings. AKA Adulting. Only took me 46 years to learn/accept to have to do that!
So, exciting times ahead! We’ll get through the darkness together. I’m here and I got your back! New comic coming Monday! Thanks for reading and stay safe and sane my friends! -T
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