Okay, we’ve complained enough. Felt enough. Dwelled on it enough. Its a new week, the new norm (for now). Let’s get to work!
I finished off the additional Transformers cards for Hasbro/Dynamite comics for their mega popular card set. Here’s a peek at some I did…
Of course, they aren’t worth squat until they got that sweet sweet signature on the back! (heh)
I finished off a commission a client wanted. Something for a sick friend of his. He wanted the friend sick in bed and then Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes pulling him fast through the house and outside. It was fun to do and not my norm! Thank the lords of Khobol that I had some fun brushes to play with…
This weekend I went to a local CD/Record show. I didn’t find too much, but I filled some holes…
Then some old friends came down and we went out for Mexican food and then spent the night catching up and watching Beavis and Butthead videos. Of course we talked about “it” but really just tried to stay distracted and feel normal again. Felt good to do.
And the cats did their usual…
Lazy days at the Nerd Ranch here. But I got productive today! Finished the cards, a commission, started new Patreon story and Pleasant Life pages and I hope to be rocking on those all week. That’s the goal! Head out of the mud and doing up some shit! Or is it pronounced SHEEEEEEEIIIITTTTT? Whatever. But we staying sane, Have a great week my friends!
Luvs, T
My only social media: Bluesky!
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Always feel free to email me at: phymns@yahoo.com
I love those cats!